Allegory [(al-uh-gawr-ee)] n.- the representation of abstract ideas or principles
by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form. This is
why I chose this as the name for my scrapbooking site- I love to show the
meaning behind the pictures from a special occassion. My scrapbooking
philosophy is that it's all about the story! The pictures and memoribilia,
combined with the journaling that tells the story of the event are the building
blocks of any scrapbook. The layout, design and embellishments enhance the
story behind the pictures. It is my job to combine the story with the pictures in a
way that flows with tone of the event to make your personal story stand out.

My name is Mindi Johnson, and I have been an official "scrapbooker" since
2000 when my mother became a Creative Memories consultant. Discovering
the hobby of scrapbooking gave my love of collecting memoribilia and taking
photos a purpose! Even when I was very little I collected items that represented
particular events in my life and held them near and dear to my heart. Eight
years, twelve very full personal scrapbooks and dozen of gift scrapbooks later, I
decided to share my ability to scrapbook with people who appreciate the
beauty and function of scrapbooks, but don't have the time, energy, or tools to
produce one of their own.
I was born and raised in Central Florida, right in the shadow of the Mouse. I
recently left a successful career as a forensic scientist to pursue my creative
ambitions from home while starting a family. My husband works in computers at
Disney and we are currently learning the ropes with our first baby.